Panda Sole

Panda Sole

Edward Easter III, also known affectionately as Panda or Sole, emerges as a dynamic force in the realm of gaming and community building. Born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, his journey to prominence took root in Greensboro, North Carolina, where his passion for business found fertile ground.

Having traversed through different musical and gaming groups, Panda yearned for a platform where he could craft his narrative and redefine the contours of gaming culture. It was this pursuit that led him to the inception of the Sole Squad, a community-driven initiative aimed at reshaping the conventional norms of gaming groups.

With Sole Squad, Panda aspired to foster an inclusive environment that prioritized camaraderie, creativity, and authenticity. His vision was to create a space where individuals could find belonging, express themselves freely, and thrive collectively.

Through his leadership and vision, Panda endeavored to imbue Sole Squad with a spirit of innovation and solidarity. He believed in the power of gaming not only as a form of entertainment but also as a conduit for meaningful connections and personal growth.

As the creator of Sole Squad, Edward Easter III, known affectionately as Panda or Sole, remains dedicated to his mission of transforming the gaming landscape and leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of gamers and content creators worldwide.

Real Name: Edward Easter

AKA Name: Panda Sole

Joined: February 2022

Creator you would collab with: Nuke Squad

GOAT video game: MW2 (2009), Saints Row

G.O.A.T Sneaker: Nike Air Mags

Strange phobias: Frogs

Zombie apocalypse, what squad member are you partnering with: Manny because he can drive fast

Fun Fact: Mac Miller changed my life

pANDA Sole

Panda Sole

Panda Sole